How to feed a Caucasian Shepherd
Besides the unconditional love we show to our champions daily, tenderness and integration in our daily activities, we need to take into account a proper diet for our Caucasian Shepherd. The moment of eating needs to be a true ritual and it is very important for you to be regarded by your puppies as a true leader of the pack, showing them they are safe with you. Feeding the dogs should be carried out daily and it is better for their health to have a regular feeding schedule.
The Caucasian Shepherd is adapted to harsh environments and is related to the wolf (Canis lupus), therefore its diet will be based on meat and products of animal origin, as it is carnivorous by nature. However, as we take care to include in our children’s diet a generous amount of vegetables, so we need to do without puppies. Besides the tasty chicken, beef, turkey, lamb or boneless fish, our puppies need a healthy side dish for a plus of vitamins, so we can pamper them with: tomatoes (preferably without pesticides), salad (to improve their bone and nervous system), potatoes (they are picky, they only like boiled potatoes), carrots (grated preferably), parsley (for excellent eyesight and a healthy heart), green beans and even little cabbage. Unfortunately, they are not allowed to have onions, celery (place 7 in the top of the most toxic vegetables), spinach or other vegetables found in the category of toxic vegetables.
So that our Caucasian Shepherd dogs don’t get bored with the banal daily menu made up of meat and vegetables, we can spoil them with portions of beef organs, such as liver, kidneys or even lungs. As side dish to replace the vegetables we can offer them pasta. To make them fully happy, we can put together a breakfast made of boiled eggs, milk cereals or even fruit as dessert (only occasionally, as they become greedy and can become sick, like Titan who cannot have enough apples and need to be supervised continuously). As a bonus, between the meals we can offer them some “lollipops”: horse or beef bones, with plenty of marrow for a plus of calcium.
The food needs to be very well boiled and the portions need to be supplemented depending on the dog’s level of activity. Let us not forget about water! Water is one of the indispensable elements, so it needs to be provided with abundance. Starving needs to be avoided, as it will create a difficult and hard to control Caucasian Shepherd!
Just like with children, it is recommended you talk to the dog prior to the meal, using a soft, encouraging voice. Do not feed another animal at the same place with the Caucasian Shepherd because the dog tends to become aggressive. And, the last tip, walk the dog for approximately 30 minutes after each meal, as it is a protection dog.
There is even a list of foods that are forbidden for this breed, as you can see below:
• Alcohol – even 30 grams can have a fatal impact;
• Caffeine – it should be avoided, as it leads to hyperactivity, increased pulse, heart attack or muscular tremor. Generally, the main systems that get affected are the central nervous system and the heart;
• Chocolate and cacao – they should be avoided, as they contain “Theobromine”, a similar compound to caffeine and even a quantity of only 250 g can kill a 20 kg dog. For instance, in other breeds, even 30 grams can be fatal;
• Onion and garlic – they both contain “thiosulphate” which triggers the rupture of red cells in the blood and produces anemia;
• Yeast and unleavened dough – they are to be avoided as they expand in the intestines, triggering constipation or even death (especially in small dogs);
• Nuts (especially “Macadamia Nuts”) – only 6 nuts can endanger a dog’s life;
• Raisins and grapes – even a few grapes can trigger kidney failure;
• Xylitol– a sweetener used for sugar-free products, such as candies or gum, which is very dangerous. For instance, only 5 pieces of chewing gum can kill a 30 kg dog (the problem is that certain products are labeled as sugar-free, without indicating the substituent used).
David L Zipf
June 17, 2020 at 2:53 amwe have an caucasian ovcharka (Skye) who has had her 2nd ACL; first one was a yr ago and went great … 2nd one was 4 wks ago and it has become a near tragedy… she developed heart arithmia during the operation and a super infection invaded her leg .. vet told us we are close to losing the leg and possibly her life if the infection isn’t corrected… they just gave us a super antibiotic ($550 worth) plus bags of IV fluid which we give 500mil a day after said injection … she is not eating (maybe one meal every 3 days or so) but the vet isn’t too worried about that as long as she is walking ok (which indicates she is getting better) … we have tried everything to get her to eat but she clamps those jaws together and will not eat … any suggestions? David and Elke
June 17, 2020 at 11:30 amHello David and Elke,
I am sorry to hear that about Skye. I would like to give you an advice, but I have not gone through such a situation and I don’t want to provide you wrong information. Have you asked for the opinion of another vet? Regarding the food, does she eat before this situation? Have you tried boiled chicken meat?
I hope to get good news from you.
Best wishes,