Travelling to France with two Caucasian puppies

In the past few years we started making road trips that involved delivering puppies to their new owners in countries in Europe. We really love doing this during spring or summer, as we combine our passionate Caucasian Shepherd work with leisure and we also get to meet some of our pups’ new owners. This way we actually made friends with people and visited some really nice places we wouldn’t have gone to otherwise.
This June we made a trip to France and delivered two of our female pups, Athena and Samba, to Paris and nearby. We thought it would be nice to write about our journey so that you can see what it means to travel with two Caucasian puppies.
Preparation and departure
Of course that before we leave we take care of all the papers of the puppies, their vaccinations have to be complete and their passports ready. We drive with a van that has enough space for a puppy transport kennel in the back, so we prepare the van and the kennel to ne nice and cozy for the pups.
We brushed the puppies so that they are clean, we prepared their food, water and travel bowls and we also took some collars and leashes with us. All these being ready, we got ourselves ready with some snacks and drinks and we hopped on the car, ready for a long drive.
First stop: Germany
It is nice when we plan our trip in such a way that we can pass through Germany and spend our first night there. We have some relatives who have established themselves there and they always receive us happily with the puppies. They have a beautiful garden with space for them to play so they are really happy to stay there.
So after around 15 hours of driving and a few stops to take the puppies out and feed them, we spent the night in Germany. The pit stops we make them usually in green areas where the puppies can run around a bit, freshen up and be ready for the road ahead.
Next destination: France
We delivered plenty of puppies to France and now we are experienced with travelling in that area of Europe. We try to plan our trip so that the puppies reach their owners the next day after our stop in Germany. If we have more puppies to deliver in different areas of the country, then we spend another night with one or more puppies at a pet-friendly hotel.
In this trip we dropped Athena first, at someone who had previously bought another Caucasian Shepherd from us, in a small city close to Paris. We spent some time together and observed Athena settling in very quickly. She felt like home from the first day so we left very satisfied and went to a pet hotel because our second meeting was the next day in the afternoon.
Choosing a hotel that is pet friendly is very important when travelling with a puppy, so that you sleep close to the dog and nobody gets upset. Some hotels charge an extra fee for a dog in a normal room, other hotels have a specific fee already established for the pet friendly rooms. They will ask about the dimensions of the dog so be prepared with all the answers in advance.
The future owner of Samba was only available later in the afternoon so we had time to explore around Paris with the puppy. Of course that this was a lot of fun because people in big cities don’t usually see the Caucasian Shepherd breed. We talked to a lot of people who were stopping us to ask about the breed and we were surprised to see how many people knew the breed “Berger du Caucase” as it is called in France. Samba was also very nice and a fast learner in a new environment.
Soon after we met Samba’s new owner and we spent some time with him chatting, he was a really nice company and we were really happy for his paring with Samba.
This way the puppies had been delivered to their owners so we had some time left to enjoy France. We continued our travel and soon after returned back to Romania, happy for a good trip and for meeting nice people.
We love travelling with puppies and delivering them to their owners and we’ll continue doing it in the future. Next stop this year will be Portugal, where we will be taking a Tibetan Mastiff puppy to the winner of our spring competition! Stay tuned!